NYLO Hotel’s New Website Design Delivers 62% Boost In...
NYLO Hotels worked closely with Milestone to develop a stunning, well-structured website to showcase the groups well-appointed boutiques. Following the latest search trends and...

Responsive Hotel Website Design and SEO Generates $300K in...
June 25, 2018 |
Digital Marketing Ideas, Hotel, Search Experience Optimization, Web Design and Promotion
Milestone's strategy includes developing technology driven, content optimized hotel websites following the latest search and social guidelines. Learn how Milestone helped Holiday...

Case Study: The Impact of Google posts on visibility, CTR,...
February 6, 2018 |
Case Study, Search Experience Optimization
The numbers show a high correlation between the time at which the Google posts were made, and the change in the rankings of the URL directly associated with the Google My Business...

Why It’s Crucial for Businesses to Respond to Reviews
Reviews have become an integral part of our customer journey. “90% of customers read reviews before visiting a business,”* directly impacting the success and growth of a...

6 Keys to Digital Marketing Success: Mobile, Content, User...
January 31, 2018 |
Conversion Best Practices, Digital Marketing Ideas, Search Experience Optimization
In this first section from our new eBook Mobile takes center stage. From mobile-first experiences to new technologies designed to provide a more interactive “applike”...

Milestone Enhances Local Events Publishing Platform with New...
Milestone’s Local Events can now push events to Facebook Local and Eventbrite and can be deployed on non-Milestone CMS...

Mobile and Millennials – Is Your Website Ready?
With the millennial generation having a greater impact on the travel industry, hoteliers need to tune their website design, structure and strategy to cater to this digitally savvy...

Are You Ready For Millennials and Wearables?
June 11, 2015 |
Digital Marketing Ideas, Industry News, Search Experience Optimization, Speaking Our Minds, Web Design and Promotion
Milestone joins HSMAI ROC and Hitec 2015 to discuss the latest digital marketing trends for the hospitality industry. Focus will be on analytics, social media, and attracting...

Google Continues to Push Panda 4.1 Algorithm Update – How Will...
Google continues to roll out its Panda 4.1 algorithm update, focusing on content quality. Learn how this affects the hospitality industry strategies and what hotels can do to...

Penguin 3.0 Finally Arrives, Is it Time to Change your Hotel...
Milestone Internet Marketing explains the latest Google algorithm, Penguin 3.0, and how it relates to the hotel marketing industry. The algorithm aides companies that follow the...