Short Tail vs. Long Tail links: What should your strategy be?
August 19, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Are you building quality trust worth links? Get tips from expert Jim Boykin with...

Deep Dive into Analytics: When Bounce Rate no Longer Floats your...
August 19, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Matthew Bailey (Site Logic), Marty Weintraub (Aim clear) and Tami Dalley (ROI Labs) discussed the importance of using, understanding and analyzing web analytics data. No matter...

Real Time Search and How to Optimize Your Site
August 17, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Here are three easy steps on how a marketer can use real time search to influence their online optimization efforts: know what’s hot in the news, create relevant content and...

Google Introduces New Sitelink Extension Feature
August 17, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Google has introduced a new Sitelinks feature which allows customers to further engage users on their websites by listing up to four links to click on an individual...

Delving Deeper Into Your Analytics
Any company can attempt to get more traffic to your hotel’s website. But are they driving the right kind of traffic? The number of visitors a site gets is a great first step to...

Tips & Tricks for a Successful E-Mail Newsletter Blast
June 16, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Get the latest tips and tricks to make your next E-Mail Newsletter a success while keeping in line with the Best E-Mail Marketing...

Build Relevance and Increase Traffic to New Domains
June 16, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
New hotel websites can compete against older existing domains by following a proven method with three easy steps....

PPC Site Links
June 3, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Jazz up your PPC text ad by adding site links. By enabling site links in your PPC ad, you offer the user several options in your text ad – all of which will be hyperlinked to a...

Below-the-Fold Exclusion
March 18, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
PPC advertisers are constantly looking for new tools in order to make the most out of their efforts on the content network. Google recent launched a new tool which provides the...

Real Time Search and Major Search Engines
March 11, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
Real time search getting greater prominence as people seeking more real time results over traditional search. With more and more people getting hooked on twitter and facebook,...