Best Practices with Google’s New Ad Features
March 9, 2011 |
Industry News
This session from SMX West 2011 covers all the new ad formats Google has recently launched: AdWords video ads, AdWords SiteLinks, local AdWords, product AdWords, comparison ads...

Mobile Search Ads
March 9, 2011 |
Industry News
Haven't done mobile search ads yet? You're missing out on a growing market! eMarketer predicts that mobile ad spend will surpass $6.5 billion in 2012. Google CEO Eric Schmidt has...

Google Place Pages: Why it is Important for you?
March 9, 2011 |
Industry News
Google dramatically expanded its collection of information about the real world with its introduction of Place Pages - a webpage for every place in the world - for businesses such...

Online Video Trending Tools
February 7, 2011 |
Getting Social
iWith the power of online video growing, the reach it provides companies is invaluable. Understanding the current trending tools will help determine what content appeals to...

Social Media’s Impact on Search Engine Rankings
February 7, 2011 |
Getting Social
Google’s Matt Cutts discusses how social media channels impact search engine rankings. While there was minimal impact only six months ago, much has changed, and Google’s...

New Google AdWords Report Shows ‘Free Clicks’
January 31, 2011 |
Web Design and Promotion
Google launched a new report in AdWords to help advertisers measure interactions that take place before a click-through for video ads, display ads, product extensions and location...

New Google AdWords Report Shows Click Type
January 17, 2011 |
Web Design and Promotion
Ever wonder what the effectiveness of your AdWords sitelink extensions are? Do people really click on those additional links, or just your ad’s headline? Google AdWords just...

Google Introduces New AdWords Feature for Compiling Negative...
January 12, 2011 |
Web Design and Promotion
Google introduces a new AdWords feature that will allow users to compile negative keywords at the account level to implement across similar...

Getting Keyword Ideas through Google Zeitgeist
January 6, 2011 |
Conversion Best Practices
Google Zeitgeist, a free online tool, provides insight into how the world searches, which helps advertisers find new keywords and ad ideas for clients around the world. The tool...

Reaching International Customers Through...
December 8, 2010 |
Web Design and Promotion
On Monday, December 6th, Google launched Google Global Market Finder, a free online tool that helps advertisers find new markets to target in international countries. The tool...