Webinar Recap: Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth: Content and B2B...
In this webinar, leading experts from Acronym, SEMRush, Invesp, and Milestone presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth framework, including key priorities and tactics for...

COVID-19 Healthcare SEO: Best Practices for Healthcare websites
April 29, 2020 |
Business Growth
In the previous blog, we discussed how Google is aiding Healthcare entities with the virtual healthcare services to ensure there is no gap between them and patients during this...

Webinar Recap: Healthcare SEO during crisis and beyond
In this webinar, Milestone experts presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth framework, including key priorities, case studies, and tactics for medium to large-scale...

COVID-19: Google rolls out virtual healthcare options for...
April 22, 2020 |
Business Growth
Google has been rolling out new features regularly to support healthcare websites which are providing valuable information and services for the current on-going COVID-19 Pandemic....

Webinar Video: Covid-19 CRG Local Search
In this webinar, Milestone experts presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth local search strategy, including key priorities, case studies, and tactics for search marketers to...

How Hotels Can Attract Essential Workers and First Responders...
April 14, 2020 |
During the shelter-at-home order, regular clientele of hotels are at home and only essential workers are moving around the cities and states. However, federal, state, and local...

Webinar Video: SEO after Covid19
In this webinar, Milestone experts presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth strategy including key priorities, case studies and tactics for search marketers to use as they...

SEO after COVID19: How FAQs will boost your business’...
April 7, 2020 |
SEO, Voice Search
COVID-19 has disrupted our world like nothing we have seen before, and the response requires a deep breath, some reflection, planning, and aggressive execution. If you are trying...

Webinar video: Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth
April 3, 2020 |
Milestone has developed and begun implementing the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth strategy and wants to share it with the community. We have identified the 5 priority things...

Local Search New Features and Updates Related to COVID-19
April 3, 2020 |
As COVID-19 continues to impact businesses around the world, many maps and local listing providers are changing how their directories operate. New and updated features are...