7 Most Essential Title Tag Strategies
June 9, 2009 |
Getting Social, Web Design and Promotion
Title tags are the single most important ranking component on the page. A good title tag communicates to search engines what a page is about. It also compels users to want to view...

Top Items to Check Before Making Your Site Live
June 8, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
The overall performance of your website is dependent on several key factors. These elements are important for search engines, site visitors, and the impact on overall conversion...

Google Blog Search Overview – Search Results for Blog
February 27, 2009 |
Getting Social, Web Design and Promotion
Google Blog search has grown in popularity as the numbers of blog posts have frequently began to show up in the Universal Google results. Google users are now turning to Google...

Top 10 Items to Budget For in 2009
November 24, 2008 |
Web Design and Promotion
As you step deep into the budgeting season, here are some tips for prioritizing your ecommerce budgeting dollars. This prioritized list is based on our experience with our...
Multifaceted Search
January 16, 2008 |
Web Design and Promotion
With the introduction of Google’s “Universal Search” back in May of 2007, the ever increasing need to surface among a sea of a multifaceted search is approaching new...

Milestone’s Top 10 Website Programming Guidelines
June 4, 2007 |
Web Design and Promotion
1. Use clean CSS (cascading style sheets) codes 2. If websites are built on a dynamic platform, make sure that your Content Management System is search engine friendly 3. Keep...
Using the Right Format For Your Web Images
October 25, 2006 |
Web Design and Promotion
It seems to be an uphill battle to secure quality web images that are clear, but not too large. Here are few tips you might want to remember when securing pictures for the...