Rich Media Insights from Milestone Research
Milestone uses a number of sources to interpret market changes and opportunities on behalf of the customers: deep analysis of data with Milestone Research, a strong network of...

Healthcare Marketing SEO During the Pandemic and Beyond
July 23, 2020 |
Healthcare, SEO
Milestone developed the crisis, recovery and growth framework that was developed in early March, since we have hundreds of customers and all kinds of businesses that need advice...

Webinar Recap: Healthcare SEO during crisis and beyond
In this webinar, Milestone experts presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth framework, including key priorities, case studies, and tactics for medium to large-scale...

Webinar Video: SEO after Covid19
In this webinar, Milestone experts presented the Covid-19 Crisis-Recovery-Growth strategy including key priorities, case studies and tactics for search marketers to use as they...

SEO after COVID19: How FAQs will boost your business’...
April 7, 2020 |
SEO, Voice Search
COVID-19 has disrupted our world like nothing we have seen before, and the response requires a deep breath, some reflection, planning, and aggressive execution. If you are trying...

Local Search New Features and Updates Related to COVID-19
April 3, 2020 |
As COVID-19 continues to impact businesses around the world, many maps and local listing providers are changing how their directories operate. New and updated features are...

Measure Your Content Performance and Track SEO Success Using...
February 5, 2020 |
It is almost a given, website content is the backbone of any business online. With the eCommerce Foundation highlighting in their content marketing survey that 88% prefer to read...

Milestone’s Insights Schema Report Helps Improve Your Brand...
November 22, 2019 |
Implementing schema is a powerful way for businesses to build brand awareness online. Schemas give search engines context about the business and improves the chances of your...

The Importance of a Sitemap
November 12, 2019 |
Search Experience Optimization, SEO
The sitemap is part of technical SEO and an essential for the success of any search engine optimization campaign. The general rule to follow for an internal linking structure is...

How to Secure a Higher Ranking on Search Engines – Top 10...
October 25, 2019 |
Want to secure a higher ranking for your website on search engines? Here are Milestone’s latest tips that really get the job done! Nurture existing authority – If you...