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Social Media’s Impact

Social Media’s Impact on Search Engine Rankings

February 7, 2011   |   Getting Social
Google’s Matt Cutts discusses how social media channels impact search engine rankings. While there was minimal impact only six months ago, much has changed, and Google’s...
New Google AdWords

New Google AdWords Report Shows ‘Free Clicks’

January 31, 2011   |   Web Design and Promotion
Google launched a new report in AdWords to help advertisers measure interactions that take place before a click-through for video ads, display ads, product extensions and location...
Reaching International Customers

Reaching International Customers Through...

December 8, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
On Monday, December 6th, Google launched Google Global Market Finder, a free online tool that helps advertisers find new markets to target in international countries. The tool...
Solutions to In-House SEO

PubCon Session: Solutions to In-House SEO, PPC & Campaigns

November 11, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
The session “In-House SEO, PPC & Campaigns” offered tips on how best to build a team that can combine efforts to collaboratively reach marketing goals and optimize the website...
SMART Keyword Research

Conducting SMART Keyword Research

November 10, 2010   |   Conversion Best Practices
Everyone needs to know the ABC's of SMART keyword research and know how to take advantage of opportunities. You'll find that here along with a few helpful keyword research tools...
Google Boost Ads

Google Boost Ads – Local Business Advertising Placement

November 1, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
Google recently launched its new location-based ad feature named Google Boost. The location-based ad will show up in the sponsored links section. This product is currently in beta...
Social Media and Real-Time Search

How Social Media and Real-Time Search Can Impact your SEO

August 26, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
Customers can now get even fresher suggestions to find the latest and most relevant content for their search. Getting real-time suggestions is part of Yahoo!'s latest...
Real Time Search

Real Time Search and How to Optimize Your Site

August 17, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
Here are three easy steps on how a marketer can use real time search to influence their online optimization efforts: know what’s hot in the news, create relevant content and...
Sitelink Extension Feature

Google Introduces New Sitelink Extension Feature

August 17, 2010   |   Web Design and Promotion
Google has introduced a new Sitelinks feature which allows customers to further engage users on their websites by listing up to four links to click on an individual...
Search Marketing Campaigns

Gain and Maintain Visibility with Your Search Marketing

July 13, 2010   |   Speaking Our Minds
Milestone's President, Benu Aggarwal, will speak at the upcoming Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Francisco and will discuss search engine and social media marketing...