Tag Cloud - Pay Per Click
Site Link Extensions for Paid Ads
Ad Sitelinks is a feature for paid listing ads that let you include up to 4 additional links to deeper content on your site beyond the main landing page. With Sitelinks you automatically extend the value of your AdWords ad by showcasing additional targeted and relevant links for users.
more...About 9 years ago by Erik to Review Comments are off for this post

Pay Per Click Channels for Your Business [Video]
In the past few years, there has been an upward trend of travelers booking online. Travelers gather all the information required for decision making from many different websites across different channels, platforms and devices like mobile, tablets, and personal computers. Therefore, it has become important to target this qualified online traffic for your property […]
more...About 11 years ago by Paid Paid Comments are off for this post

Why Bid on Branded Keywords
Why do you need to buy Google ads for your brand if you rank organically? Do you have control on where you directusers on your website? Do brand keywords in general have higher quality scores? Why would you spend time and money, managing a campaign with your brand keywords when you have organic positions for them?
more...About 13 years ago by Paid Paid Comments are off for this post

Making the Most of Your PPC Budget
Given the number of online channels that are now offering paid search, it’s hard to know exactly where to start when it comes to PPC. To help bring some peace of mind to the end user, Milestone has put together this cheat sheet for anyone considering PPC for the first time. Simply find your ideal budget and follow along.
more...About 13 years ago by Paid Paid Comments are off for this post

Event Promotion through Paid Search
Events and Holiday PPC Campaigns – capitalize on what’s happening in your local market to drive traffic to your website and increase online revenue. This article identifies when, why, and how you should run an event adgroup through your paid search campaign.
more...About 13 years ago by Paid Paid Comments are off for this post