Tag Cloud - hotel_internet_marketing
Hotel Website Design and Launching Done Right: The Solmar Story
Solmar launches new corporate website and five property websites developed by Milestone. The new websites highlight Solmar’s world class hospitality and service to new audiences.
more...About 9 years ago by Erik to Review Comments are off for this post

Social Media: Generate More Than Just Likes [Webinar Recap]
Social media impacts the customer journey, learn the latest strategies to implement at your hotel. View the social media webinar and additional questions we received after the webinar.
more...About 9 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

How Your Hotel Benefits from Programmatic Advertising
Understand what programmatic advertising is and how it is continuing to transform the world of digital advertising. The powers of big data and targeted ads increase your returns for your hotel paid marketing.
more...About 9 years ago by Erik to Review Comments are off for this post

A Look at Searcher Behavior and Search Intent
As more people are using Search Engines to access information on the web, it’s important to know how people are searching and what Search Engines they’re using. Read on to find out how you can optimize your website for new search behavior and to help your site stay up to date with the new strategies for search behavior.
more...About 10 years ago by Optimized Comments are off for this post

Penguin 3.0 Finally Arrives, Is it Time to Change your Hotel Marketing Strategy?
Milestone Internet Marketing explains the latest Google algorithm, Penguin 3.0, and how it relates to the hotel marketing industry. The algorithm aides companies that follow the best practices of SEO while attacking the sites that have fooled the rankings by improper link building and black hat SEO practices.
more...About 10 years ago by Gaurav SEO Comments are off for this post

Pigeon: Google’s Local Search Update and Impact on Hospitality Marketing
Google’s recent formula update, “Pigeon”, determines who ranks where on its search engine results page (SERP) specifically in terms of local-based search queries (ie. using geo local keywords such as “Hotels in San Francisco”). Learn how this affects your website’s search visibility and ranking.
more...About 10 years ago by SEO SEO Comments are off for this post