How Social Media and Real-Time Search Can Impact your SEO Efforts
Customers can now get even fresher suggestions to find the latest and most relevant content for their search. Getting real-time suggestions is part of Yahoo!’s latest functionality overhauls for its existing “Search Assist” feature.
more...About 14 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post
Eye Tracking Usability and Neuromarketing Research to Improve Web Design at SES San Francisco
At SES San Francisco 2010, the “eye tracking usability and neuromarketing research” session was focused on improving your website layout and design to enhance visitors’ online experiences.
more...About 14 years ago by Gaurav Varma Comments are off for this post
Deep Dive into Analytics: When Bounce Rate no Longer Floats your Boat
Matthew Bailey (Site Logic), Marty Weintraub (Aim clear) and Tami Dalley (ROI Labs) discussed the importance of using, understanding and analyzing web analytics data. No matter which analytics software we use, the information available is important and critical in making any decisions to business model, strategies etc.
more...About 14 years ago by Analytics Comments are off for this post