It is much easier to rank higher on Google with older websites that are pointing from existing domains compared to a brand new website with a brand new domain name. So the question is how to get a brand new website to rank higher on Google?
Why it’s so difficult to rank high for new domains:
Google assumes by default that any new domain name has a good chance of being used by spammers and hackers. Spammers buy multiple domains, park them and run GoogleAds, in efforts of trying to make quick cash, this defeats the purpose of search!
However, not all domains are used by spammers and hackers, webmasters by domains for testing purposes, unlike Milestone who uses a private server and a subdomain, lazier webmasters simply by a domain for a couple bucks to use it as dummy for tests.
Thus, Google is the least trustworthy out of all search engines. Google has an entire department inventing filters that downrank websites. Only until Google establishes a trust with the site, then the site will be added to the search results and start ranking higher.
How to become trusted by Google:
Basicially, you need E-A-T: Expertise, Authority, and Trust. Make sure you content is accurate, relevant, and helpful for users. Showcase the expertise of the writer and employees of the company. Gain the trust of other sites and history with Google.
In order to get Google to trust your new website, the following steps are a must!
1. Keywords are key – (read more on keyword research)
Initially optimizing a website for extremely competitive keywords will result in your listing showing on the 30th page of the search results. Instead, I recommend initially optimize for long-tail less competitive keywords. There is a much higher chance that Google will show you for these less competitive keywords, and even though there are less searches for these keywords, it is important to build up trust with Google first and then start bidding for more competitive keywords. There is no short-cut to this process it takes careful keywords selection, plenty of time, and good planning. Be sure to include keywords in the meta-tags, body copy, alt-tags, and headers.
2. Get links to your website (read more on linkbuilding)
Without any incoming links, your website will not show for any searches regardless of how pretty your site looks, how well the content is written, or how many keywords you have your site optimized for. Incoming links give your site credibility and show Google that your site has some significance behind it. The earlier your site starts receiving links, the earlier it will get ranking on Google.
3. Optimize your web pages
It is very important to have a fully optimized website. It makes no difference that you have 100 links pointing to your site if you are not integrating keywords into your meta-tags, anchor-tags, headers, and body content! The way search engines find your website is by looking for relevant keywords within the content, once they find the keywords they will place your site among the search results.
4. Patience is a virtue
Time is of the essence. If you need to get on Google’s first page fast, then you better plan accordingly or expect to spend a fortune on PPC. Recent studies showed that MSN & Yahoo can start showing your site for keyword phrases within three weeks, whereas Google in most cases is closer to 10 weeks. Nothing happens overnight, just like in any relationship it takes time to build credibility.
Order is also important, if you follow these four steps the chance of your website getting on the first page is much greater!
Read our blog to know about Domain Name Best Practices.
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