Tag Cloud - blogs
NFC: In the Hotel Industry, Next Comes VR, AR, and Metaverse
With our love for innovation, Milestone seeks to bring in new and robust technologies such as near-field communication (NFC) to their customers and provide a cutting-edge service in the internet marketing industry and beyond.
more...About 6 years ago by Gaurav SEO Comments are off for this post

Top 10 Digital Marketing Tips for the Summer
Top 10 ideas to help hotels increase their summer online bookings. This article focuses on creating summer packages and ideas for monitoring and improving your online reputation.
more...About 7 years ago by Optimized 2 Comments

Blogging Best Practices as Part of an Omnichannel Plan
Blogging for Lodging Blogs are the hottest growing medium of communication for businesses and individuals. Based on Technorati research (blog search engine), there are almost 3 million blogs created every month, and bloggers create over 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second! What are Blogs? Blogs are websites with content management […]
more...About 10 years ago by Blog Ging 11 Comments

Building a social media strategy
A walkthrough of big and micro goal development, strategies, tactics before launching a social campaign. What are some of the major metrics we need to measure to performance.
more...About 13 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

How to Socialize Your Networks
Establishing different themes in your social network can give you a competitive edge in email marketing. To gain customer attention, showing your personality through socializing can effectively give them a unique impression of you and your team.
more...About 14 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

Top 10 Items to Budget For in 2009
As you step deep into the budgeting season, here are some tips for prioritizing your ecommerce budgeting dollars. This prioritized list is based on our experience with our portfolio of over 700 hotels and may vary depending on hotel’s target clientele and market.
more...About 16 years ago by Budgets Planning Comments are off for this post