Update SEO For Multimedia and Rich Media
November 23, 2009 |
Getting Social
We attended a great session in Pubcon 2009 on Multimedia and Rich Media. The session talks about the optimization opportunities with audio, video, flash and other embedded...

SEO Strategies For Small Businesses – Go Local & Get...
November 18, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Milestone’s recent interview with Gillian Muessig, President & C0-Founder for SEOmoz, and Dennis of BlitzLocal reveals cutting-edge SEO strategies that help small businesses...

New Features for Delicious and Flickr
October 20, 2009 |
Getting Social
Recently Delicious launched a new tool called Fresh Bookmarks and Flickr started providing photos and videos search results in an efficient...

Facebook Ads: Reaching Prospects Earlier In the Decision Cycle
September 3, 2009 |
Getting Social, Web Design and Promotion
Excerpt: Facebook has over 250 million users globally, making it a powerful advertising platform. Sarah Smith, Manager of Online Sales Operations at Facebook presented tips and...

The Findability Formula – Search Engine Marketing Basics
September 3, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
At SES San Jose, Heather Lutze shared the basic elements of search engine marketing. A great overview for those new to SEO and PPC....

Convert Your Visitors To Customers
September 2, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
When navigation attempts to fail by not providing required search results, 50% of the users turn to...

Google AdWords, Google Analytics and Website Optimizer: Secrets...
September 2, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
This Google sponsored session at the Search Engine Strategies 2009 conference in San Jose revealed some of the latest updates on the new Adwords interface, Website Optimizer, and...

Social Media: Managing Conversations and Reputations When the...
August 20, 2009 |
Getting Social
This year, at SES San Jose 2009, social media experts got together to discuss how marketer’s can control and shape the conversations happening on social media...

Social Media: White Hat vs. Black Hat
August 20, 2009 |
Getting Social
At SES San Jose 2009, social media experts shared their opinions on what regular practices are considered good vs. bad when promoting your company on social media...

5 ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion
August 6, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Every page of every website ought to be optimized. However, you might find a landing page within your site you felt was fully optimized, but has a bounce rate that is alarming. By...