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Guide to Social Media Marketing

Recent trends in social media usage have evolved more than ever and it is evident that social media will be a driving force for people. So, whether it’s for Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Customer (B2C) purposes, devising an effective social media marketing plan for 2022 is the key to success. Prevailing business tipsters Oberlo and Hootsuite […]


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Top 10 Website Must-Haves for Hospitality

The days when a website was just a digital brochure are long gone; and as the technology to build and maintain websites evolve, the room for new ideas and practices keeps growing wider. Nowadays, the way we approach web design should not only be driven by “how pretty” the layout will look (which is still […]


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Guide to Content Marketing

Content marketing is a potent marketing technique for engaging audiences and generating sales. The important thing to remember is that every written element of a campaign can count and help advance the consumer on the customer journey, whether it’s for business-to-business (B2B) interaction, or business-to-customer (B2C) lead conversion. Each piece is designed to create an […]


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