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SEO Hotel Paid Media Web Design and Promotion Local Search


SEO and Information Architecture

This session talked about different elements you need to keep in mind when architecting your web site so that your site is search and user friendly. Architecting a web site that is search and user friendly is not supposed to be an easy task since there are many things you will need to consider.


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Building a social media strategy

A walkthrough of big and micro goal development, strategies, tactics before launching a social campaign. What are some of the major metrics we need to measure to performance.


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Smart Organic Keyword Research and Selection

Keywords remain an integral part of any SEO campaign. Without the correct keyword focus, even the best optimized content and links may not lead to success. Improve your rankings and increase your relevant click-throughs by thoroughly landing your keywords.


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Google Places & Hotpot Optimization

Dive deep into targeted tactics for Local Search optimization on Google. One in five search queries have a local intent. Make sure your website shows when they do.


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