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Tag Cloud - Social Networking

Top 10 Strategies to Promote Hotels on Social Media in 2023

An incredible 7 in 10 Americans regularly use social media to connect with those around them. Globally, billions of people, more than half the global population, report that they use social media. When it comes to building your brand and finding new customers as a hotel, using these channels effectively has become a competitive advantage […]


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Social Fans: If You Ask, They Will Come

The most common challenge amongst businesses on social media is building a fanbase or “likes.” This seemingly challenging concept actually has a very simple solution: ask them. It seems so elementary, you may say to yourself that this could never work. However, it is currently the most effective way to build a fanbase.


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Tips To Encourage Your Social Followers To Share Your Content

Whether you are just starting to set up social media profiles, are looking to optimize and enhance, or have mastered social media marketing, hoteliers can benefit from learning ways to encourage their hotel’s social media following to share published content. Find out how.


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Combining Social Media and Websites to Drive Fans & Conversions

A well optimized website will get you organic traffic. An engaging Facebook page will get you connections. But a challenge is to effectively combine the best of both channels to get the most conversions out of your audience. This article provides you a case study that highlights how you can do just that.


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How to increase Likes, Fans and Followers

Social media participation impacts overall organic ranking. If you need to some quick and easy tips on how to increase likes, fans, and followers, check out this blog post for a user-friendly guide.


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Making Search More Social

Social media is having a larger impact on organic SEO factors on a daily basis. Both Bing and Google have recently taken steps to increase the influence a user’s friends have on the search results she sees when browsing the web. Taking some simple steps can help to ensure that you stay relevant to the search engines.


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Facebook Ad Tactics for Search Marketers

Facebook is a great opportunity for advertisers. With a self-serve image and text-based ads platform, it’s critical to learn the best practices for Facebook ads and avoid ad fatigue by targeting the right profiles, rotating ad copies and images, offering incentives and more.


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How Social Media and Real-Time Search Can Impact your SEO Efforts

Customers can now get even fresher suggestions to find the latest and most relevant content for their search. Getting real-time suggestions is part of Yahoo!’s latest functionality overhauls for its existing “Search Assist” feature.


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