Tag Cloud - search engine optimization
Bookmarking Favorite Sites with One or Two Clicks
Great social bookmarking tool (Onlywire) allows you to bookmark on multiple social bookmarking sites by just one click via tool (button) and expand your social network in efficient manner.
more...About 6 years ago by Milestone 5 Comments

How to Use Keywords for Hotel SEO and Digital Marketing
Search engines are branching their focus out of just using keywords to provide the best search experience to their users. However, this doesn’t mean that keyword strategy for SEO is no longer important and should be forgotten. Here’s a list of how to implement keywords in your hotel marketing strategy for continued online success.
more...About 6 years ago by Needs FAQs After Optimized Comments are off for this post

Enterprise SEO Best Practices
The session talks about optimization of large sites with more than a million pages. The speakers discussed challenges around giant sites and best practices used by companies like Microsoft to handle mega site optimization…
more...About 9 years ago by Gaurav Varma 1 Comment

Pigeon: Google’s Local Search Update and Impact on Hospitality Marketing
Google’s recent formula update, “Pigeon”, determines who ranks where on its search engine results page (SERP) specifically in terms of local-based search queries (ie. using geo local keywords such as “Hotels in San Francisco”). Learn how this affects your website’s search visibility and ranking.
more...About 10 years ago by SEO SEO Comments are off for this post

Panda 4.0: The New Panda Algorithm Update (Continues to) Reward High Quality Content
Have you heard about Google’s recent update to its algorithm, Panda 4.0? If you have a hand in any website content marketing strategy, listen closely. The latest Panda algorithm is designed to boost great-quality content sites while pushing down thin, spammy or low-quality content sites in search results. The winners in this new search landscape will be sites with original, interesting and engaging content that connects with what people want and are looking for and taps into the modern mindset. So what can you do?
more...About 11 years ago by SEO SEO 4 Comments

The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors: 2013 [SMX Advanced 2013]
In this session, panelists focus on key elements that deliver maximum SEO success.
more...About 12 years ago by SEO SEO 2 Comments

Changed Your Hotel Name? How to Thoroughly Update Your Brand Online.
Avoid harming your bookings, traffic, relevancy and back links when performing a hotel name change. Provided in this article are steps to follow when your hotel is considering a hotel name change and items to keep in mind during the process.
more...About 13 years ago by Gaurav SEO Comments are off for this post