Google AdWords, Google Analytics and Website Optimizer: Secrets...
September 2, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
This Google sponsored session at the Search Engine Strategies 2009 conference in San Jose revealed some of the latest updates on the new Adwords interface, Website Optimizer, and...

Social Media: Managing Conversations and Reputations When the...
August 20, 2009 |
Getting Social
This year, at SES San Jose 2009, social media experts got together to discuss how marketer’s can control and shape the conversations happening on social media...

Social Media: White Hat vs. Black Hat
August 20, 2009 |
Getting Social
At SES San Jose 2009, social media experts shared their opinions on what regular practices are considered good vs. bad when promoting your company on social media...

5 ways to Improve Landing Page Conversion
August 6, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Every page of every website ought to be optimized. However, you might find a landing page within your site you felt was fully optimized, but has a bounce rate that is alarming. By...

Guide to Hotel Photography, Visual Search, and SEO
August 6, 2009 |
It is critical to feature the right images on hotel websites. The purpose is to convey the experience, to show the value offered within the hotel’s premises. Choosing the right...

Using Flickr for Linkbuilding and Building Content
August 6, 2009 |
Getting Social, Web Design and Promotion
Social Media channels are a great way to promote your product and to obtain inbound links to your website. Flickr is an excellent tool for building great visibility and exposure...

Writing Killer Ad Copy, The Interactive Edition.
June 17, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
During SMX Advance, we attended a phenomenal session on writing killer adcopy. Session was moderated by Matt Van Wagner and speakers included Craig Danuloff from ClickEquations,...

SEO Ranking Factors
June 10, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Awesome session was arranged featuring SEO ranking factors in 2009. Danny is moderating the session and Rand Fishkin from SEO Moz, Laura Lippay from Yahoo and Marty Weintraub from...

Mythbusting PPC Urban Legends
June 10, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Great session and panel presented few common myths on ppc and right strategy. Topics included commen concerns about bidding high or low, geotarget your campaigns or not, is...

In Depth Competitive Analysis for SEO
June 9, 2009 |
Web Design and Promotion
Majority of competitive analysis is examining a competitor’s in-link structure – both quantity and quality. Search engines place the most weight on link-building. The better...