The Power of User Generated Content for Digital Marketing

User Generated Content continues to be an important piece of information that guests are researching before making hotel reservations.

5 years ago

Impact of Duplicate Content on Rank and Traffic

While often a common mistake, duplicate content can harm your online reputation and visibility within the SERP’s.

5 years ago

One Simple Tip To Increase Facebook Post Reach

As Facebook continues to limit what shows up in users' feeds, here's a simple tactic your hotels can do to…

5 years ago

Here’s Why You’re Not Ready for the Next Big Thing in Search – Voice

The technology and strategies to help you best stay ahead of the voice search trend are readily available, yet we…

5 years ago

Rethinking Keyword Management for SEO

Milestone Insights is now part of our unified Presence Cloud – a digital marketing suite for location-based businesses.  

5 years ago

Webinar Recap: 2019 State of Local Search & How to Get Your Business In Front of Users

Our April. 17 webinar covered the best strategies that location-based businesses (hotels, restaurants, banks, retailers, etc.) can implement in 2019,…

5 years ago

What’s Missing From Your Content Management System? (Part 2)

here in part 2 we take a look at the features that amplify your reach, Integration capabilities, and enterprise friendly…

5 years ago

What’s Missing From Your Content Management System? (Part 1)

You rely on your website to bring in leads and traffic from search engines. But do you have the right…

5 years ago

Why Is Facebook Important? Market Effectively on Facebook.

With over 150 million users, and as the 5th most heavily trafficked site in the US, Facebook is one of…

6 years ago

Key reasons why businesses should have a Mobile presence.

Mobile internet usage is growing 30% every year; here are some critical reasons why hotels should have a mobile website…

6 years ago