Tag Cloud - social_networking
10 Tips for Hotel Marketing Roadmap for 2020 and 2021
By Benu Aggarwal, Milestone Internet Marketing Effective internet marketing in the year 2020 will be a powerful promotional agent for the hotel industry – from major franchise chains in urban cities to independent inns in rural countryside. As we envision the possibilities this year, hoteliers must take a proactive approach to internet marketing and direct […]
more...About 5 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav 4 Comments

Online Searchable Videos – Why Hoteliers Should Care
The lodging industry has seen significant adoption of online video marketing because most consumers want to see and experience as much of the hotel as possible before booking their lodging online. As search engines have fully embraced Universal Search and are showing results from online videos, it is more critical for hotels to have online […]
more...About 5 years ago by Needs FAQs After Optimized Comments are off for this post

Introduction to Flickr
Photo sharing is a segment within social media that allows users to upload and share digital images with other people online. Flickr is recognized among the top photo management and sharing applications in today’s industry. This article summarizes why businesses should utilize Flickr as a photosharing tool, how to set up a Flickr account, and how to use Flickr for your
more...About 6 years ago by Gaurav Varma Comments are off for this post

Online Videos – How to Optimize for Search
Why do we need to make our video searchable? Having a video is no longer useful unless it is created with search engine optimization in mind.
more...About 9 years ago by Gaurav Varma 1 Comment

Blogging Best Practices as Part of an Omnichannel Plan
Blogging for Lodging Blogs are the hottest growing medium of communication for businesses and individuals. Based on Technorati research (blog search engine), there are almost 3 million blogs created every month, and bloggers create over 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second! What are Blogs? Blogs are websites with content management […]
more...About 10 years ago by Blog Ging 11 Comments

Latest on Google’s Personalized Search
Google´s personalized search is impacting search results. Personalization can fill in the gap of ambiguous search queries based on geography, preference, and social circles. What does this mean for SEO? This panel takes a deep look into how Google’s personalized search works and what role SEO still plays within it.
more...About 10 years ago by SEO SEO Comments are off for this post

Best Kept SEO Secrets, KPIs for SEO Agencies
Milestone Interview with Bruce Clay, From BruceClay.com
more...About 10 years ago by SEO SEO 5 Comments

Social Media Optimization Strategies for Hotels and Lodging Industry
Social Media continues to grow in importance as the search engines take these sites into consideration for the SERP’s (Search Engine Result Pages). Hotels that take advantage of this trend are seeing significant benefits in terms of online placement and revenue.
more...About 10 years ago by Gaurav Varma 7 Comments

Social Media Optimization – Why should you participate?
Every successful online marketing campaign should incorporate elements of social media optimization. As the internet community grows, so will the use of social media website and tools.
more...About 10 years ago by Jessica Burshtynskyy 1 Comment