Tag Cloud - Social Media
Facebook Bans Incentivizing Likes: No More Fan-Gated Social Media Sweepstakes for Hotels
For several years, fan-gating a sweepstakes (requiring a user to click the like button before the entry form is unlocked) has been an effective method of increasing new fans for a business. All existing applications will continue to work until November 5, but no new applications will be able to have this functionality. But don’t fret: this is not the marketing drawback it seems at first glance!
more...About 11 years ago by Erik to Review 1 Comment

Social Fans: If You Ask, They Will Come
The most common challenge amongst businesses on social media is building a fanbase or “likes.” This seemingly challenging concept actually has a very simple solution: ask them. It seems so elementary, you may say to yourself that this could never work. However, it is currently the most effective way to build a fanbase.
more...About 13 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

Building a social media strategy
A walkthrough of big and micro goal development, strategies, tactics before launching a social campaign. What are some of the major metrics we need to measure to performance.
more...About 13 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

Milestone Social Media Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Acquiring Quality Facebook Fans
Milestone Internet Marketing is excited to announce our plan to host social media webinars on an ongoing basis! Our first social media webinar scheduled for mid-November is open to all clients currently using Milestone’s services. Our topic for this inaugural webinar will focus on “The Top 10 Tips for Acquiring Quality Facebook Fans.”
more...About 13 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav 10 Comments

Social Media’s Impact On Search Today
Social media now has significant influence on search rankings. According to Google’s Panda update, websites that offer quality and relevant content will be ranked higher in search engine results. A key factor in determining content quality and relevance are social signals attached to the content; thereby, elevating social media’s impact on search rankings.
more...About 13 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

Search Engine Results Pages & Social Media Integration
Expanding your business presence in the online social media world is more than crucial these days as SERPs are including social signals in regular search results. This is something we have seen more frequently in both Google and Bing starting late last year.
more...About 14 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

The Power of Social Media Near a Booking Engine
There have been several articles written about the strength of integrating social sharing tools into the purchasing process. Well, we had an inkling that these findings would have a similar affect with online users choosing to share their hotel booking on Facebook.
more...About 14 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post

The Convergence of Search, Social & Content Marketing
The recent Google Panda update just made great content critical; social media is grabbing all the headlines; search gets more powerful every year. How do they all play together? How do you increase your odds of being found both in search and social media? How will you consistently create content your users will enjoy?
more...About 14 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post