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Understanding the Complex Social Marketing Playing Field

This great session at PubCon 2009 delved into the complexities of social media marketing, with some useful strategies on how to navigate the social media world.


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The Best Tactics in Landing Page Optimization

Learn about some of the best tactics in landing page optimization, brought to us by the experts at Pubcon 2009. Build the best landing page to make the biggest ROI on your paid search campaigns.


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How do Social Media and Search Intersect?

At PubCon 2009, search and social media experts talked about the complex relationship between organic search and social media, focusing specifically on how companies can use social media to impact organic search results.


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Update SEO For Multimedia and Rich Media

We attended a great session in Pubcon 2009 on Multimedia and Rich Media. The session talks about the optimization opportunities with audio, video, flash and other embedded content. The session also talks about on optimizing for video engines such as youtube.


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SEO Strategies For Small Businesses – Go Local & Get Social – Milestone Interviews SEOmoz and Blitz Local

Milestone’s recent interview with Gillian Muessig, President & C0-Founder for SEOmoz, and Dennis of BlitzLocal reveals cutting-edge SEO strategies that help small businesses enhance their internet marketing initiatives. These two SEO experts share their insights on creating profitable internet marketing campaigns through local search and social media. Learn more about their successful solutions for small businesses.


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