Twitter Video Bandwagon
Facebook is not the only social channel that jumped on the video wagon. Twitter announced, January 2015, a new video feature allowing users (People and Business pages) to capture and share videos directly from the Twitter app. Learn how this can impact your engagement and rank!
more...About 10 years ago by Ashutosh Yadav Comments are off for this post
Mobile and Millennials – Is Your Website Ready?
With the millennial generation having a greater impact on the travel industry, hoteliers need to tune their website design, structure and strategy to cater to this digitally savvy market. Learn some vital features your website needs to keep this generation engaged and wanting to do more business with your organization.
more...About 10 years ago by Site Site 2 Comments
Marketing to the Millennial Generation
Millennials are an increasingly important market for hotel marketers and will shape the travel industry during the next few years. The travel industry, in particular, needs to target Millennials as they are approximately 32% of all US travelers and the fastest growing age segment for travel. Learn how to connect with this plugged in generation!
more...About 10 years ago by Gaurav Varma Comments are off for this post